How to Baby Proof Your Home 101

How to Baby Proof Your Home 101

It may seem impossible to childproof your home. But if you do it in a systematic and thorough manner, the process is fairly simple. Here are some basic tips for baby proofing your home:

Make Sure All Furniture Is Properly Secured

If your child will be climbing on a piece of furniture, make sure it's not too heavy for the wall to support. If you're going to have something heavy on top of it (like an entertainment center or bookshelf), make sure that it's secured to the wall with proper brackets and bolts so that your baby doesn't pull off any brackets or knock over the piece of furniture if they lean up against it.

Also make sure that any large pieces of furniture are not too heavy for your baby to move around on their own—even if you think they can't get them off their feet yet, there is always potential for them falling off and hurting themselves!

Make sure all cabinets are locked and/or latched shut when possible.

    Put Padlocks On Cabinets

    Put padlocks on cabinets that contain dangerous materials.

    Keep the keys for the padlocks hidden away, and only give them to adults who need access to these cabinets. This will keep children from getting into them, even if they manage to open the cabinet door.

      Put Safety Latches On Drawers & Doors

      Safety latches are a quick and easy way to keep your child safe in the home. They're inexpensive, easy to install and can be used on drawers and doors. Safety latches are generally used for cabinets that have children's items in them, but they can also be used for drawers or doors that you don't want your child opening up.

      Unplug Electrical Appliances

      You should unplug any appliance that isn't being used, or at the very least turn it off. Do not leave appliances plugged in if you are not home or will be gone for a long time. This includes televisions, microwaves, computers and other electronic devices.

      Also make sure that any electrical cords are not dangling where a baby could pull on them and possibly get hurt by an electric shock.

      Set up safety gates at the top of stairs (or have your baby-proofer install them) so that little ones can't wander up there without supervision.

      Baby Proof Your Fireplace

      If you have a fireplace in your home, it is important that you baby-proof it. In particular, keep flammable items away from the fireplace. Also, be sure to use a sturdy fire screen when the fireplace is in use and make sure that no small children or pets are allowed near the fireplace at any time.

      A fire screen can help protect your child from possible burns if they touch something hot while playing near the fireplace. The safest place for these items is three feet away from any heat source in your home—including ovens and stoves as well as space heaters or other sources of heat that may be too close to where someone might unexpectedly touch them (such as on top of an end table).

      Baby Proof Your Door Handles

      Get inexpensive door knob covers from Amazon or from your local baby store.

      Wrap rubber bands tightly around the door knobs, making sure they are impossible for children to turn or move. This method can be used on any door handle in your house, but it is most effective on the top and bottom handles because those are the ones that children tend to grab first.

      Cardboard tube method: Remove a piece of cardboard tube from an empty paper towel roll and place it over each knob so that no fingers can get inside as well as no little hands can reach them easily! It's also important to note that you should always make sure this is securely fastened with tape before leaving your home alone with an infant in tow!

      Cover Outlets

      Plugs are a great way to baby proof your home. They’re easy to install and can be removed when they’re no longer needed. Plastic outlet covers are often the best choice for everyday use because they’re inexpensive and come in a variety of styles, including:

      • A plate that fits over any standard wall outlet

      • A plate that locks into place when inserted into a standard wall outlet (this type of cover should only be used with GFCI outlets)

      • A clamp that fits around any two pronged plug (these can be used with both GFCI and non-GFCI outlets)

      It’s important to remember that these covers should be replaced every few years or so because they tend to get cracked over time from being jostled around by curious children!

      Install Baby Gates

      If you have stairs in your home, it's important to install baby gates at the top and bottom of them. Hardware-mounted baby gates are a good choice for this purpose because they're more sturdy than pressure-mounted baby gates and can take more abuse from kids climbing on or around them. If you don't want to put up hardware-mounted baby gates, use pressure-mounted ones instead—just be sure that any pose a potential hazard (such as the edge of a step) is blocked off by another pressure-mounted gate or device.

      If you’re worried about your child getting into an unsecured room with a dangerous object like knives or scissors, then place a pressure-mounted gate at the door leading into that room so they can’t get inside without an adult opening it first.

      Keep House Plants Out Of Reach

      It's a shame that many houseplants are toxic to children and pets, but the fact is that they can be dangerous. Some aren't poisonous to adults, but they can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction in certain individuals. Remember to look up each plant before you bring it into your home so you know if there are any risks associated with it. If your child has had an allergic reaction in her past (such as a rash), make sure she doesn't come into contact with any plants that might trigger another reaction.

      One Step Closer To The Safest Home

      Now that you know how to baby proof your home, you can rest easy and enjoy your little one. Remember, the best thing about this process is that it does not have to be done all at once! You can take your time and do it as needed. Also keep in mind that every child is different so what works for one may not work for another; always remember safety comes first!